Industrial Visit to Indian Institute of Science

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering had arranged a half day industrial visit to IISC , Bangalore on 29th Feb 2020,52 students of 2nd year and one faculty had taken part. This visit was planned during the open day time in IISc, Bangalore.
Open day is organized to showcase research in the institute and to communicate important concepts in science and engineering to the general public. Its origins can be traced to a report of review committee, which met on 22nd September 1956. The report suggested that “the institute should have an open week before the annual meeting of the court, during which the institute may be visited both by members of the court and the general public”. Based on the suggestion, the first annual week was organized in March 1957. The Open Day formed part of the annual week : besides the general public industrialists were also specifically invited to visit the institute on these days . The open day was spread over couple of days initially; this later become a day-long event. It has become now an annual feature in the institute’s calender .The day-long Science and Technology carnival is held on a Saturday closest to 3rd March the birth anniversary of J.N.Tata, the founder of the institute.
Many departments are participated in this open day. And IISC students showcase their talents by presenting more innovative ideas and demos. The Glimpse of project ideas in each department is listed below:
Biological sciences |
• Mind-gym • Human brain anatomy • Ames windows illusions • Luminance illusions
Chemical sciences |
• Young’s Double slit experiment • Tyndall effect • Instance snow • Electricity from potato
Electrical , Electronics and Computer sciences |
• Low light image processing • Real time face recognition and emotion classification • Demo of 3D printing
Mechanical sciences |
• Damage Tolerance analysis • Micro-mechanical analysis • Ultra-sound inspection of structures
Physical and Mathematical sciences |
• Eddy current breaks • Anti theft scanner • Levitation of magnetic spinning top
The visit to IISC was very knowledgeable. The students and industrialists were excited to see scientific devices, models, info about various topics etc. This exhibition helped the students and viewers to understand Science & Technology in better way. In this way students can “Think out of the Box”.