Industrial Visit to ISRO

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering had arranged a half day industrial visit to ISRO on 4th March 2020,50 students of 2nd year and two faculties had taken part.
As we reached the place a briefing was given about ISRO. ISRO is the lead centre of the Indian Space Research organisation responsible for design, development, assembly and integration of communication, navigation, remote sensing, scientific and mall satellite missions. ISRO built India’s first satellite, Aryabhata, which was launched by the Soviet Union on 19 April 1975. It was named after the Mathematician Aryabhata. ISRO subsequently developed two other rockets: the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) for launching satellites into polar orbits and the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) for placing satellites into geostationary orbits. These rockets have launched numerous communications satellites and earth observation satellites. Satellite navigation systems like GAGAN and IRNSS have been deployed.
A video clip of making and launching of chandrayaan-1 was shown. This gave us an idea how the satellite will be launched and how the different parts of the satellite are manufactured For the benefit of students there is a space exhibition. From there we went to a room where models of all the satellites launched by ISRO where displayed. Over there we also got an opportunity of viewing the real cameras used in satellite imaging, various types of antennas, payloads , electronic devices used in satellite , different photographs taken by the satellite and technical details of each part of the satellite. Scientist Srinivas explained each and every display unit kept for the exhibition. It includes the models of the first India Satellite Aryabhatta, APPLE, INSAT series etc.
Satellites are basically of two types-Indian remote sensing satellites and communication satellites. ISRO was a part operational, part-experimental mission to develop Indian expertise in satellite imagery. Various images of India taken at different angles from the satellites for the purpose of geographical or weather study were seen. Different electronic devices used in satellite and space communication were explained. We were taken to the clean room where we could view the manufacturing of satellite, rocket and the robot. It was a great experience for the students.
The visit to ISRO was very informative, as we got a complete idea about the parts, working and launching of satellites. We got an idea of what to be done to join ISRO in future. It was also very helpful for expanding our knowledge about space research.