Innovation & Design Thinking

NHCE Institutions Innovation Council and Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Conducted Workshop on Entrepreneurship and innovation as career opportunity on 8th November 2023. Around 40 students from the ECE department and 05 faculties of IIC Coordinators and Innovation Ambassadors attended the event. Mr. Ajay Sudhir Bale, Innovation Ambassadors addressed the Gathering. Many case studies were used to show how an idea can be taken and thought of making it to a product. The challenges that are faced during the process, how to over some them using conventional methods were also outlined How efficiently one can identify the problem and whether the end product can be beneficial to the society or not was explained in detail.

Benefit in-terms of learning/skill/knowledge obtained
Many case studies were used to show how an idea can be taken and thought of making it to a product. The challenges that are faced during the process, how to over some them using conventional methods were also outlined How efficiently one can identify the problem and whether the end product can be beneficial to the society or not was explained in detail.