Network Virtualization

Department of Quality Assurance and Skill Development in association with department of Electronics and Communication Engineering conducted a Faculty Development Program as part of Cisco Centre of Excellence activity on the topic “Network Virtualization”, on 24th January 2023. The program started with the Ms. Riya, alumni of ECE department, NHCE currently working in Cisco Systems who introduced the team members from Cisco systems India Pvt Ltd. Leadership talk, ‘Top of Mind’, was delivered by Mr. Shibu Nair, Director Customer Delivery, Cisco Systems India Pvt Ltd. Next an Ice-Breaker session was conducted by Ms. Roshni who is an alumni of ECE department, NHCE. Technical session was conducted on Network Virtualization by Mr. Shankar GopalKrishnan who is currently working as Principal Engineer at Cisco Systems India Pvt Ltd. He started with the key pillars of a Data Centre and discussed about VX-LAN architecture and configuration. He also discussed the funnel point in network, overlay network and host mobility. Towards the end of the session he also suggested some key research areas related to networking like network visibility, dealing with masquerade and MAC address impersonate attack, resolving packet drop issues due to buffer overflow, resolving host mobility issues etc. He also highlighted upon the emerging network programmability using APIs.