Online Alumni Talk on LoRa Communication

Date: 13th March 2021 To 13th March 2021
Time: 10:30 AM To 11:30 AM
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering conducted an International online alumni talk on “LoRa Communication” on 13th March 2021.The speaker, Denzel George, is an alumnus of ECE department(Batch-2015-2019).He is currently working as the founder and director of a start-up, TSC Technologies Pvt Ltd, an aerospace company based in India. He is currently a research engineer at New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore. Currently researching in the field of Satellite Technology,NanoSatellites,CubeSats,Rovers and Drones.The audience was VII sem students. The talk comprised of focus on LoRa based communication,LoRa ISM, features of LoRa module, LoRaWAN,and so on. Students interacted with the speaker at the end of the session by taking suggestions and clarifying doubts on LoRa based communicattion. The session was overall very informative.