Date: 28/11/2022
Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Piruthiviraj P
NHCE Institutions Innovation Council and Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Conducted Poster Presentation on Innovation and Ideas (Through YUKTI-NIR) -Mentoring Event on 28th November 2022. Around 33 students from the various engineering departments and 05 faculties of IIC Coordinators and Innovation Ambassadors attended the event. Dr. Aravinda K HOD-ECE addressed the Gathering. Dr.Agalya V, IIC –President gave an insight about Yukti –NIR Dr. A. Sujin Jose Associate Professor/Automobile Engg. And Dr. Gopal K represented as Panel Members. Dr. Piruthiviraj P Associate Professor/ECE organized the event. Yukti Registered participants presented their innovative ideas submitted as Posters to the Panel Members.
New Horizon College of Engineering is an Autonomous college affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University(VTU).
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