Poster Presentation on Innovation and Ideas (Through YUKTI-NIR)

Date: 28/11/2022
Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Piruthiviraj P

NHCE Institutions Innovation Council and Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Conducted Poster Presentation on Innovation and Ideas (Through YUKTI-NIR) -Mentoring Event on 28th November 2022. Around 33 students from the various engineering departments and 05 faculties of IIC Coordinators and Innovation Ambassadors attended the event. Dr. Aravinda K HOD-ECE addressed the Gathering. Dr.Agalya V, IIC –President gave an insight about Yukti –NIR  Dr. A. Sujin Jose Associate Professor/Automobile Engg. And Dr. Gopal K represented as Panel Members.  Dr. Piruthiviraj P Associate Professor/ECE organized the event. Yukti Registered participants presented their innovative ideas submitted as Posters to the Panel Members.